
Can You Get Fired For Being Sick Even With A Doctor's Note

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    helpless45's Avatar

    helpless45 Posts: iv, Reputation: ane

    New Member

    Jan 2, 2011, 05:38 PM

    Tin can you be fired for being sick with a dr.'s note?

    I have severe depression which has affected my piece of work abilities since I work in a very stressful and strict customer service environment. By this I hateful that I get graded on things such as my tone of vocalism and how my customer'due south are treated. This has become a problem because when information technology started to get bad when I had to call off work for fear of non performing up to the standards required and losing my job (aka telling someone to **** off or crying while on duty) I am now on probation for omnipresence. Then basically I'g trying to get FMLA for time off or intermittent leave and so I don't lose my job, and in order to do then I have to get to the doctor which will effect in missing work (because of my schedule) and if my medico/unum does non approve the FMLA I volition technically be at RFT. So my question is.. will I be fired if I have a Physician'south excuse?
    Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'1000 not sure what to do but I am very desperate for a solution. Also if your wondering I have also tried to contact Unum to try and get more than information but they are not open up weekends then if anyone has whatsoever data please help me I'm desperate and cannot afford to lose my task. Cheers for reading

    ScottGem's Avatar

    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056

    Computer Expert and Renaissance Human being

    January 2, 2011, 05:47 PM

    Yous can be. I would clear it with your supervisors before you have the fourth dimension off.

    helpless45's Avatar

    helpless45 Posts: 4, Reputation: one

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    Jan 2, 2011, 05:51 PM

    My supervisor and I spoke for about an hour today trying to figure this out, anytime canonical fourth dimension off has to be scheduled past the availability of time, I had originally attempted to schedule personal personal time and fourth dimension to have a Doctor'southward appt

    (cont'd) both which were denied considering our vacation has been refilled then anybody has scheduled vacation time since they can. I as well asked if she could exercise a supervisor override then I can take time just for the date and she said she's...

    Not able to do so, so if it were upwardly to her it would exist fine but she does not have the ability to corroborate it. I just have no way of knowing if the FMLA will be approved. I don't know if in that location is a way I can find out for sure?

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    ScottGem's Avatar

    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056

    Computer Expert and Renaissance Human

    January two, 2011, 06:05 PM

    Please don't use the Comments for follow-upwardly. Employ the Answer options below.

    Have you tried talking to Hour or meet if your doctor tin can accomdiate an off time appointment.

    helpless45's Avatar

    helpless45 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1

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    January 2, 2011, 06:12 PM

    Ok, deplorable I'm new to this. No this has pretty much gotten worse within the last few days but that is a skillful idea asking my doctor to suit a time that would work with my schedule. I actually think in that location is a doctor at the office I become to that offers appointments in the evening simply I don't know if that would piece of work since it is non my regular doctor? I will attempt to talk to Hr only usually that has proven to exist worthless. Thank y'all for your suggestions I really appreciate it.

    Fr_Chuck's Avatar

    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,302, Reputation: 7692


    January 2, 2011, 08:10 PM

    I will address your question outset, yes they tin fire you for taking off.

    But what blazon of treatment are you under for your trouble, Your work is not going to change, this blazon of piece of work is hard, very stresful and ofttimes has very loftier chore turn over.

    So what is going to change in iii months or 6 months from now, that will brand it OK to go to work,

    Also the time off volition be unpaid, then yous can afford to be off for a longer periold of fourth dimension ?

    helpless45's Avatar

    helpless45 Posts: four, Reputation: 1

    New Member

    Jan 6, 2011, 09:57 AM

    I'm on medication and I accept filed a merits with fmla so I'chiliad just hoping that gets approved at this fourth dimension.
    Yeah your right almost the task plough over. I've never seen annihilation like information technology, it is very stressful and I've been able to deal with that in the by but information technology'south becoming much harder with my status.
    As for your question well-nigh what will change in the next few months, I've started a new medication and am going to start seeing a psychiatrist to endeavor and find a solution so that I will be able to handle going to work.

    @ScottGem my medico did accommodate my schedule and was able to see me last night. And then thank yous for the proposition that was very helpful.

    Fr_Chuck's Avatar

    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,302, Reputation: 7692


    Jan 6, 2011, 12:02 PM

    And yous do know that FMLA is a unpaid leave, you do not go paid while you are off

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Can You Get Fired For Being Sick Even With A Doctor's Note,


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